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Guide to Using the Vivest X3 AED Unit

This guide provides a detailed overview of operating the Vivest X3 Automated External Defibrillator (AED), highlighting its features and steps for effective use in emergency situations.

Overview of the Vivest X3 AED

The Vivest X3 AED unit, similar to the X1 model, is equipped with a display unit for enhanced guidance. This guide assumes that emergency services have been alerted and the patient is prepared for AED application.

Initial Setup and Operation

Start by activating the unit using the remote control. Follow the on-screen instructions:

  • Remove clothing from the patient's chest.
  • Retrieve the pad package from the AED's back.
  • Tear open the pad package and remove the pads.
  • Peel off the liner and apply pads to the patient's chest.
  • Connect the pads to the AED.

Executing the Shock Process

Once the pads are applied and connected, the unit will enter the analysis phase. Ensure the AED is positioned correctly, typically at the head end of the patient.

Shock Delivery and CPR Instructions

The AED will analyze the heart rhythm and, if necessary, advise a shock. Follow these steps:

  • Ensure no one is touching the patient during analysis.
  • When advised, charge the unit and avoid touching the patient.
  • Press the flashing shock button to deliver the shock.
  • Once the shock is delivered, it is safe to touch the patient.
  • Begin CPR following the AED's rhythm and instructions.

The unit will guide through two minutes of CPR before re-analyzing. Repeat the process as necessary until signs of recovery are evident.

Key Features of the Vivest X3 AED

The Vivest X3 AED provides clear visual instructions, enhancing user confidence. It follows the same operational cycle as the X1 model, with added visual aids for ease of use.

Note: This guide is for informational purposes. Always refer to official training and guidelines when using an AED unit.