Vivest Scenario

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3 min 16 sec
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Using an AED: Step-by-Step Guide

Initial Steps

  1. Call for Help: Ensure emergency services are alerted immediately.
  2. Check Battery: Confirm that the AED's battery is functioning normally.
  3. Prepare the Patient: Remove any clothing that covers the patient's chest.

Applying the AED Pads

  1. Remove Pads Package: Take the pads package from the back of the AED.
  2. Tear Open Package: Open the package containing the pads.
  3. Take Out the Pads: Remove the pads from the package.
  4. Remove Liner: Peel off the liner from the pads.
  5. Apply Pads: Place the pads on the patient’s chest according to the AED instructions.

Using the AED

  1. Analyse Heart Rhythm: Allow the AED to assess the patient’s heart rhythm. Ensure no one is touching the patient during this process.
  2. Shock Advised: If a shock is advised, the AED will begin charging.
  3. Press Shock Button: Press the flashing shock button when instructed. Ensure you are clear of the patient.
  4. Deliver Shock: The AED will deliver the shock. Wait for the prompt that it is safe to touch the patient.

Performing CPR

  1. Begin CPR: Start chest compressions immediately. Keep your arms vertical and push to the rhythm indicated by the AED.
  2. Continue CPR: Maintain CPR until the AED advises otherwise or emergency help arrives.

Reassessing and Repeating

  1. Analyse Heart Rhythm Again: The AED will re-assess the patient's heart rhythm. Ensure not to touch the patient during this process.
  2. Repeat Shock Procedure: If a shock is advised, repeat the shock delivery procedure.


Continue performing CPR as guided by the AED and repeat the analysis and shock procedures as necessary. Always follow the AED's prompts for the most effective response during a cardiac emergency.