Vivest AED Trainers

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ViVest Training Devices: X1 and X3


Introducing the ViVest training devices - specifically designed for the X1 and X3 models. Ideal for educators, these devices streamline the training process, even when dealing with various AED brands.

Key Features

Universal Application

Whilst these trainers are tailored for the ViVest units, they can aptly serve in demonstrating the AED pad placement procedure, irrespective of the brand in use.

Multilingual Functionality

The devices are linguistically versatile. A convenient button allows for easy language toggling, catering to a diverse audience.

Child Settings & Portability

Incorporated child settings make these units comprehensive in their training capabilities. Additionally, their compact and lightweight nature ensures effortless portability, an essential feature for instructors on the move.

Deciding Between X1 and X3

X3's Enhanced Display

While the X1 is impressive in its own right, the X3 is slightly more advanced, boasting a superior display. This feature facilitates clearer instruction by vividly illustrating each step, from alerting emergency services to delivering chest compressions, all showcased via crisp LCD animations.

Operational Ease

Both models are user-friendly: simple battery replacement, fuss-free pad changes, and the pads themselves are rather universal. They adhere well and can be rejuvenated with a gentle cleanse in warm soapy water, ensuring mannequins remain unblemished.


The ViVest trainers, regardless of your choice, offer simplicity and efficiency, rendering them indispensable for any instructor.