Course overview

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1 min 23 sec
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AED Training Course Overview

Introduction to the Course

Explore the comprehensive curriculum of our AED Training Course, designed to provide in-depth knowledge and skills for effective emergency response.

Course Structure and Accessibility

Access a range of categorized training videos at your convenience, with the flexibility to pause, rewatch, and stay updated with regular course enhancements.

Support and Guidance

Benefit from our dedicated support throughout the course, available through phone, email, and online chat on our websites.

Detailed Course Content

Delve into the specifics of each course category, encompassing various essential topics and techniques for effective emergency response.

Emergency Medical Services and Initial Assessment

  • Understanding the Chain of Survival.
  • DRAB and ABCDs: Initial Assessment Techniques.
  • Mastering the Recovery Position.

Cardiac Arrest and CPR Training

  • Adult and Child CPR Methods.
  • Using Bag Valve Masks.
  • Compression-Only CPR and Improving Technique.

Comprehensive AED Usage Training

Gain hands-on knowledge about Automatic External Defibrillators, from setup to maintenance.

Diverse AED Models

Explore a variety of AED units, understanding their unique features and applications.


Embark on an informative journey to master AED usage and emergency response with our expertly crafted course.