Vivest AEDs and children

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Using the Vivest AED on Children and Infants

Administering the Vivest AED on children and infants requires a different approach compared to adults. Understanding the correct method of use is crucial for effective emergency response in younger patients.

Switching to Pediatric Mode

For children and infants, the Vivest AED must be set to pediatric mode. This is done by pressing the designated infant or child button on the unit.

Pad Placement for Children and Infants

The placement of AED pads varies for children and infants. It's important to follow the specific instructions for front and back pad placement.

  • For children: Place one pad on the center of the chest and the other on the back.
  • For infants: Follow the same procedure as for children, with careful attention to pad size and placement.

Following the AED Prompts

Once the AED is set to pediatric mode and the pads are correctly placed, follow the prompts provided by the unit to administer aid effectively.

Knowing how to properly use the Vivest AED in pediatric cases is essential for providing safe and effective emergency care to children and infants.